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1. When will Words of Life Ministries open for Sunday worship services and what time are the service(s)?


Words of Life Ministries is currently open for worship service and bible study. Sunday morning worship starts at 1015; prayer and bible study starts at 7 PM every Wednesday. Service times have been expanded.  The sanctuary is open for expanded seating for social distancing, if needed.


2. What factors should influence my decision to attend?


In compliance with CDC recommendations, we ask that the elderly, those with compromised health conditions, those displaying COVID-19 symptoms or those exposed to the virus, should not attend the worship services. We encourage you to watch our virtual services when available.


Under Georgia law, there is no liability for an injury or death of an individual entering these premises if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of contracting COVID-19. You are assuming this risk by entering these premises.


3. Will normal parking be available at church?


Yes, parking will be available.


4. Will entry into the church building be limited to specific exterior doors?


For all services, you will enter through the door labeled “ENTER” you will exit the door labeled “EXIT”.


5. Will there be any requirements to attend Words of Life Ministries’ worship services? 


At this current time, the only requirement to attend worship service/ bible study, is to santize your hands upon entering the building. Until further notice, social distancing and wearing a mask is optional. If you desire a mask upon arrival, one can be provided to you. 


All seats in the sanctuary will not be available for seating.  Signage and ushers will assist with proper seating. 


There will be no bulletins. Please refer to the website for church information.


We will not have a choir. The praise and worship leader/team will sing songs of praise and the words of songs will be streamed on monitors. However, if technical issues occur, having words of songs on the monitors may not be possible.  We do not own the rights to any music/songs  that are played during the service and posted on the Church' s website/ Facebook/ YouTube.


We are requesting all to participate in the offering by walking around the offering table so that no one has to walk by others while seated.


Offering envelopes and communion elements, when needed, will be available on tables near the sanctuary doors prior to entry. Additional offering envelopes are located in the back pocket of each seat.


Parents are asked to accompany all children to the restrooms.


In an effort to keep safety first, there will be no immersion baptism with the altar call. Instead, information will be gathered and arrangements will be made for immersion baptism.


In the event of a medical emergency with a visitor or member, only the designated healthcare personnel will attend to the emergency. Only the designated personnel will dial 911.


No food or drink will be provided nor permitted in the sanctuary and maximum room occupancy limits will be  enforced.


6. What cleaning and disinfecting protocols will Words of Life Ministries perform prior to entry?


Words of Life Ministries' staff will perform a thorough cleaning every Monday and Thursday (including special services) throughout the church. 


On Mondays and Thursdays, the entire building will be disinfected. An electric ULV sprayer portable fogger machine will be used with Glissen Chemical Nu-Foamicide All Purpose Cleaner Concentrate to sanitize the building. Glissen Chemical Nu-Foamicide All Purpose Cleaner Concentrate 300048 is registered under EPA #10324-166-40672 and is listed with the EPA to be used against human coronavirus (COVID-19). The EPA-approved, fast-acting, foaming formula instantly kills bacteria, viruses and germs on contact.


After each service, an Ultraviolet Light sanitizer wand with an Ultraviolet Disinfection Lamp, will be used to disinfect frequently touched areas such as handles, rails and restrooms.  The wand is designed to destroy the molecular structure of DNA or RNA in bacteria viruses through ultraviolet rays with a wave length in the range of 240-280 mm, causing growth cell death and/or regenerative cell death.


The sanctuary is equipped with 4 Winix 5500-2 Air Purifiers with True HEPA, PlasmaWave and Odor Filters. The True HEPA Filter captures 99.97% of down to 0.3 microns allergens, virus particles, pollen, mold and fungi particles. The PlasmaWave  forms Hydroxyl Radicals to attack airborne pollutants that include viruses, bacteria, germs, odors, and chemical gases (VOCs).


 7. How will Words of Life Ministries ensure social distancing and hand sanitation?


In an effort to ensure safety first, Words of Life Ministries will have signage throughout the building to remind all of safety protocols-- social distancing requirements, protocols for proper washing of hands and use of hand sanitizers, directional signs on the floors where needed, etc.  A hand sanitizer station is located at the entrance of the church.  Mask,  gloves, and additional personal size hand sanitizers will be available upon request. The sanctuary is open for expanded seating for social distancing.


8. Will Words of Life Ministries require selected exterior doors for exiting upon worship service dismissal?


Congregants will be directed to leave through the door marked "EXIT".  Congregants are asked to not gather in the hallways or parking lot in accordance with CDC social distancing guidelines. For emergencies, all exterior doors will be open for quicker exiting.


9. Will the Church’s administrative office be open for card payments or other services?


Yes, the Administrative Office will be open to accept card payments.


10. Will restrooms and water fountains be available for use?


Water fountains will not be available. However, restrooms will be available. Hands must be washed before exiting the restrooms.


11. When will Wednesday’s Bible Study open?


Bible study/prayer is being conducted starting at 7 p.m.


12. When will additional changes occur regarding the churches opening?


The pandemic has created constant change and new normals. Please refer to our website and social media on a constant basis regarding changes to our opening protocols:


13.  Can I be baptized?


Baptismals are being performed; however, due to COVID-19, baptismals are being scheduled so that proper cleaning of the baptismal pool may be performed between parishioners.


ANYONE desiring the Acts 2:38 experience, PLEASE do not hesitate to call 706-257-3022. The Pastor and his assistance will meet you at the Church! Today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2)!


14. If we have any questions or concerns about reopening, who can we contact?


Please email your questions or concerns to or call (706) 257-3022.

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